In most cases, we are hired by businesses to perform due diligence on potential employees, partners or collaborators.
We can perform background checks and financial searches, helping businesses determine any of these, can jeopardise their reputation or profitability.
We also work on cases of suspected corruption or embezzlement, network breaches and property theft - intellectual or physical.
Services can also include providing in-depth appraisals of a companies practices, employees, collaborators or competitors.
Information resulting from these investigations helps senior management make more informed decisions — moving forward in the knowledge that their business is both safe and ethically sound.

Saving you $ in the long-term
Performing Due Diligence on prospective employees or those employees gaining promotion can reduce occupational risk.

Pre-employment and promotional background screening is not new, however, more often than not, the basics of background checking and due diligence are often overlooked due to cost, time, lack of employment screening knowledge, an environment based on trust or being 'just too busy'.

Whatever the reason, overlooking these basic principles can put the employee, your client and business at risk, as well as having a long term irreparable effect on your business reputation.

At the very least, proper screening should include a comprehensive reference check. Other items for which to screen potential employees include any or all of the following:
Criminal background checks
Police vetting
Credit checks
Company checks
Drug testing
Verification of information provided by the prospective applicant on CV
Verification of educational background/experience
Property checking
Physical checks to confirm address
Let's have that initial conversation
Your Personal Safety
Worried about your personal safety?
Both male an female operators are available to help with your peace of mind.
Clients' hire us to:

Protect high profile clients
Transport clients to and from sites
Accompany clients on flights
Accompany client’s children on flights
Transport personal property

Let's have that initial conversation
Keeping it Clean
If you suspect your premises of being bugged, you can’t go past using Rokez Investigations Ltd.
Whether you are a concerned citizen or organisation who believes someone has bugged your property, home, office or vehicle using a listening device, telephone tap, surveillance video or tracking device - your next phone call should be to us.

Before you make that call however, consider using an unrelated phone or send us an encrypted email. Making a phone call in your vehicle may only increase your risk.
Rokez Investigations Ltd offers state of the art equipment and certified experienced operators.

We offer an electronic bug sweeping service together with a physical search of your premises that can be completed either overtly, covertly, day or night.
At the conclusion of the sweep you will receive a report with recommendations that suit your security needs and budget.
Let's have that initial conversation